Money is Energy - I'm Just a Girl Series
God cannot bless you with something more and something better until you have learned how to be a good steward over the things that He has given you currently. This includes tithing 10% of your income. You don't have to tithe to just a church by the way. I have been to the grocery spot which is a grocery store in Atlanta that gives groceries away to the needy instead of charging them…and this is only one way. There are plenty others out there. But the reason why I say give to others is because we know that money is energy. I know my wealth will be multiplied due to the simple fact that I give to others and not think about simply getting anything back in return even though I know I eventually will in the long run. I give with good intentions behind it. Understand that the seeds you sow in this season will be multiplied. So if you want money, give money with good and pure intentions…And giving money does not include lending with the expectations of getting it back!